Appendix C. Business Districts  

Latest version.

    1. B-1 districts: Transition business districts.

    These districts are composed of land and structures occupied by or suitable for such uses as offices, studios and public parking lots. Although usually located between residential areas and business areas these districts are in some instances freestanding in residential areas or they may include hospital or college groups and related uses. The district regulations are designed to protect and encourage the transitional character of the districts by limiting the permitted uses to those of a semi-commercial nature and to protect the abutting and surrounding residential areas by requiring certain minimum yard and area standards to be met, standards that are comparable to those called for in the residence districts.

    a. Permitted uses. In the B-1 districts only the following uses are permitted:

    (1) Uses by right. The uses listed below are permitted subject to the conditions specified:

    Accessory use

    Antique store

    Apothecary (limited to the sale of pharmaceuticals and medical supplies)

    Art gallery or museum

    Bed and breakfast

    Church; including parish house, community house and educational building

    Clinic, dental and medical

    Club or lodge, private, not including one the chief activity of which is a service customarily carried on as a business

    College fraternity or sorority house

    Convalescent home

    Correctional, detention or penal institution, electric substation; need not be enclosed within structure but must be enclosed within a wall or fence at least ten (10) feet high

    Fire station

    Floral shop

    Gift shop


    Hospital or sanitarium

    Institution for children or the aged

    Interior decorating shop

    Library or reading room

    Name plate or sign, not exceeding three (3) square feet in area, need not be enclosed within a structure

    Nursery, day care or kindergarten


    Off-premise outdoor advertising

    On-premise advertisement

    Pipe line or electric transmission line

    Radio and television broadcasting studio, but not including transmitter

    Railroad right-of-way, but not including shops, yards, and team tracks; need not be enclosed within structure

    Studio for professional work or teaching of any form of fine arts, photography, music, drama, dance, but not including commercial gymnasium

    Telephone exchange, but not including administrative offices, shops or garages

    University or college, nonprofit

    Water storage; need not be enclosed within structure

    Water or sewage pumping station

    YMCA, YWCA, and similar institutions

    b. Building site area. Except as provided in Section III, the minimum building site area shall be seven thousand two hundred (7,200) square feet.

    c. Building height limit. Except as provided in Section III, no structure shall be designed, erected, or altered to exceed thirty-five (35) feet.

    d. Yards required. Except as provided in Section III, the minimum dimensions of yards shall be:

    Front yard .....25 ft.

    Side yard .....5 ft.

    Rear yard .....25 ft.

    e. Density restrictions. Except as provided in Section III, the maximum gross density, defined as the floor area ratio (the ratio of building square feet to lot size), on any parcel of land or development zoned B-1 is not to exceed 0.50.

    2. B-2 districts: Neighborhood business districts.

    These districts are composed of land and structures occupied by or suitable for furnishing the retail goods, such as groceries and drugs, and the services, such as barbering and shoe repairing, to satisfy the daily household needs of the surrounding residential neighborhoods. Often located on one (1) or more thoroughfares, these districts are small and are within convenient walking distance of most of the areas they will serve. The district regulations are designed to permit the development of the districts for their purpose and to protect the abutting and surrounding residential areas by requiring certain minimum yard and area standards to be met, standards that are comparable to those called for in residence districts. It is intended that additional neighborhood business districts will be created, in accordance with the amendment procedure set forth herein, as they are needed to serve new residential areas. To ensure that such new districts are actually developed to supply the business needs of the neighborhoods, the amendment creating the district may set a time limit for its development.

    a. Permitted uses. In B-2 districts only the following uses are permitted:

    (1) Uses by right. The uses listed below are permitted subject to the conditions specified:

    Accessory use

    Altering and repairing of wearing apparel

    Antique store


    Apparel and accessory store

    Appliance store

    Art gallery or museum

    Automobile filling station, where the primary function is the retail sale of gasoline, oil, grease, tires, batteries and accessories, and where services are limited to installation of items sold, washing, polishing, and greasing; fuel pumps need not be enclosed within structure

    Bakery, retail


    Barber shop or beauty shop

    Bed and breakfast

    Book store

    Camera and photographic supplies store

    Candy, nut and confectionery [store]

    Catering shop


    Clinic, dental or medical

    Club or lodge, private


    Convalescent home

    Correctional, detention or penal institution

    Dairy products sales


    Drug store

    Electric substation; need not be enclosed within structure but must be enclosed within a wall or fence at least ten (10) feet high

    Fire station

    Fix-it shop

    Floral shop

    Fruit store

    Furniture store, retail

    Garden supplies store, handling packaged fertilizer and no other types of fertilizer

    Gift shop


    Grocery store, retail

    Hardware store, retail

    Hobby supply store


    Hotel, motel, and tourist courts

    Institution for children or the aged

    Interior decorating shop

    Jewelry store, including repairing of jewelry, watches and clocks

    Landscape garden sales; need not be enclosed within structure

    Laundry, and/or dry cleaning pickup station

    Laundry, self-service only

    Library or reading room

    Liquor store, package sale only (no consumption on premises)

    Music store

    Name plate

    Nursery, day care, or kindergarten


    Off-premise outdoor advertising

    On-premise advertisement


    Pipe line or electric transmission line

    Post office

    Radio and television broadcasting studio and transmitter

    Railroad right-of-way, but not including shops, yards and team tracks; need not be enclosed within structure

    Restaurant (liquor sales for consumption on premises permitted only as subordinate use to the principal use of food service)

    Rooming house or boarding house

    Shoe store, retail

    Studio for professional work or teaching of any form of fine arts, photography, music, drama, dance, but not including commercial gymnasium

    Telephone exchange, but not including administrative offices, shops or garages


    Toy store


    Variety store (limited to the sale of items which may be sold by any other use in this district)

    Water storage; need not be enclosed within structure

    Water or sewage pumping station

    YMCA, YWCA, and similar institutions

    (2) Special exception uses. These uses are declared to possess such characteristics of unique or special form that each specific use shall be considered an individual case and shall be subject to approval of the police jury after a public hearing and recommendation by the planning commission:

    Automobile and truck sales room and/or repair where the primary function is the retail sale of new automobiles and the retail sale of used automobiles, accessories, tires and batteries is a secondary function only; may not conduct dismantling

    Farm equipment and supplies store

    b. Building site area. There is no minimum required building site area.

    c. Building height limits. Except as provided in Section III, no structure shall be designed, erected, or altered to exceed thirty-five (35) feet.

    d. Yards required. Except as provided in Section III, the minimum dimensions of yards shall be:

    Front yard .....25 ft.

    Side yard .....none

    Rear yard .....25 ft.

    e. Density restriction. Except as provided in Section III, the maximum gross density, defined as the floor area ratio (the ratio of building square feet to lot size), on any parcel of land or development zoned B-2 is not to exceed 0.70.

    3. B-3 districts: Community and central business districts.

    These districts are composed of land and structures used to furnish, in addition to the retail goods and services found in neighborhood business districts, the wider range of retail goods and services to satisfy all of the household and personal needs of the residents of the parish and its trade area. In addition to the main central business section of the parish, other large areas may be established as districts of this type to serve groups or communities of neighborhoods. The district regulations are designed to permit the development of the districts for their purpose in an open, spacious arrangement by requiring certain minimum yard and area standards to be met. To protect the abutting and surrounding residential areas certain restrictions are placed on uses. Although new districts of this type will not often be called for, such districts can be created in accordance with the amendment procedure set forth herein, if they are needed. To ensure that such districts are actually developed to supply the business needs of the groups of neighborhoods, the amendment creating the district may set a time limit for its development.

    a. Permitted uses. In the B-3 districts only the following uses are permitted:

    (1) [Uses by right. The uses listed below are permitted subject to the conditions specified:]

    Accessory use

    Air conditioning sales and service

    Ambulance service

    Amusement, commercial; miniature golf course and golf driving range; need not be enclosed within structure

    Antique store


    Apparel and accessory store

    Appliance store


    Art gallery or museum

    Artificial limb manufacture


    Automobile and truck maintenance shops and garages

    Automobile and truck sales and/or repair, but not including commercial wrecking, dismantling, or auto salvage yard; need not be enclosed within structure provided the unenclosed part shall comply with the requirements for maintenance of off-street parking facilities

    Automobile laundry, where the primary function is washing automobiles, but not including trucks or trailers, and the retail sale of accessories, tires, and batteries is a secondary function only, and where services are limited to installation of items sold; operations shall be conducted only within a completely enclosed structure, and all wastes shall be discharged directly into the storm sewers

    Automobile storage (commercial); need not be enclosed within structure

    Bait store and sales (live bait); need not be enclosed within structure

    Bakery, retail

    Bakery, wholesale


    Barber and beauty supplies and equipment sales

    Barber shop and beauty shop

    Bed and breakfast

    Beverage manufacture (not including alcoholic)

    Bicycle and/or lawnmower sales and repair

    Blueprinting and photostating

    Book store

    Brooms and brushes manufacture

    Building specialties store

    Business college

    Business machines store

    Cabinet or carpenter shop

    Camera and photographic supplies store

    Candy, nut and confectionery store

    Canvas products manufacture

    Catering shop

    City hall, police station, court house, federal building

    Clinic, dental or medical

    Club or lodge, private

    Coffee roasting

    Convalescent home

    Correctional, detention, or penal institution

    Cosmetics (compounding only)


    Dairy equipment sales

    Dairy products sales


    Department store (limited to sale of items which may be sold by any other use permitted in this district)

    Drug store

    Dry cleaning

    Dry goods store

    Dry goods store, wholesale

    Electric repair shop

    Electric substation; need not be enclosed within structure but must be enclosed within a wall or fence at least ten (10) feet high


    Farm equipment and supplies sales

    Feed store

    Fire station

    Fix-it shop

    Fixture sales

    Floor covering sales

    Floral shop

    Food locker plant, renting only individual lockers for home customers storage of food; cutting and packaging of meats and game permitted, but not including any slaughtering or eviscerating thereof

    Food products, wholesale storage and sales

    Fruit and produce, wholesale

    Fruit store

    Funeral home, mortuary, or undertaking establishment

    Furniture repair and upholstering

    Furniture store, retail

    Fur dyeing, finishing and storage (no tanning)

    Garden supplies store, handling packaged fertilizer and no other types of fertilizer

    Gas regulator station

    Gift shop

    Glass store

    Grocery store, retail

    Gymnasium, commercial

    Hardware store, retail

    Hardware, wholesale storage and sales


    Hobby supply store

    Hotel, motel, rooming house, tourist home, all for transient occupancy except that not more than one-third of the gross floor area may be used for apartments for permanent occupancy

    Ice cream manufacture

    Ice cream store

    Institution for children or the aged, but not including correctional, detention, or penal institution

    Interior decorating shop

    Jewelry store, including repairing or jewelry, watches and clocks


    Laboratory, dental or medical

    Landscape garden sales; need not be enclosed within structure

    Laundry, linen supply, or diaper service

    Leather or luggage store

    Library or reading room

    Liquor sales

    Loan office


    Machinery, tools, and construction equipment, sales and service

    Mail order house

    Marine store

    Millinery manufacture

    Mobile/manufactured homes

    Motorcycle sales and service

    Music store

    News stand

    Novelty and souvenir manufacture

    Nursery, day care or kindergarten


    Office equipment and supplies, retail

    Off-premise outdoor advertising

    On-premise advertisement

    Optical goods


    Paint and wallpaper store

    Painting and decorating contractor

    Paper supplies, wholesale

    Passenger depot, railway or bus

    Pet store

    Photographic studio and/or processing

    Picture framing and/or mirror silvering

    Pipeline or electric transmission line

    Plumbing shop

    Police station

    Post office

    Poultry (live) storage and/or dressing

    Printing, publishing, and allied industries

    Radio and television broadcasting, transmitter and studio

    Radio and television store and repair shop

    Railroad facilities, except shops; need not be enclosed within structure


    Restaurant, drive-in

    Restaurant supplies sales

    Riding academy; need not be enclosed within structure

    Rooming house and board house

    Rug cleaning

    Seafood store, retail

    Seed store

    Shoe repair shop

    Shoe store, retail

    Shoe store, wholesale

    Sign shop

    Small animal clinic and kennels

    Sporting goods store, retail

    Sporting goods store, wholesale

    Stone monument sales, retail; need not be enclosed within structure

    Studio for professional work or teaching of any of the fine arts, photography, music, drama, dance, but not including commercial gymnasium

    Surgical or dental supplies store

    Tailor shop


    Telephone exchange, but not including shops and garages


    Tile shop

    Tire shop

    Tobacco store

    Toy store

    Trailer sales; need not be enclosed within structure

    Variety store (limited to the sale of items which may be sold by any other use in this district)

    Vegetable store

    Venetian blind and metal awning fabrication and cleaning

    Vulcanizing shop

    Water distillation

    Water or sewage pumping station

    Water storage; need not be enclosed within structure

    Wholesale and warehouse

    YMCA, YWCA, and similar institutions

    (2) Uses requiring planning commission approval. The uses listed below are permitted upon approval of the location and site plan thereof by the planning commission as being appropriate with regard to transportation and access, water supply, waste disposal, fire and police protection, and other public facilities, as not causing undue traffic congestion or creating a traffic hazard, and as being in harmony with the orderly and appropriate development of the district in which the use is located:

    Theater, outdoor; need not be enclosed within structure

    Trailer court; must meet the following requirements: Water, sewerage and electric power connections for each trailer unit; a site providing a minimum of three thousand five hundred (3,500) square feet per trailer site; and adequate plan for traffic circulation on the site. Yard requirements for each trailer unit as follows:

    Front yard .....20 feet

    Side yard .....5 feet

    Rear yard .....25 feet

    (3) Special exception uses. These uses are declared to possess such characteristics of unique or special form that each specific use shall be considered an individual case and shall be subject to approval of the policy jury after a public hearing and recommendation by the planning commission.

    Automobile body shop and/or salvage yard

    Contractor's storage yard, for vehicles, equipment, material and supplies; need not be enclosed within structure

    Lumber yard and building materials; need not be enclosed within structure

    Metal products fabrication

    Welding shop

    b. Building site area. There is no minimum required building site area.

    c. Building height limit. Except as provided in Section III, no structure shall be designed, erected, or altered to exceed forty-five (45) feet.

    d. Yards required. Except as provided in Section III, the minimum dimensions of yards shall be:

    Front yard .....25 feet

    Side yard .....none

    Rear yard .....25 feet

    Building sites in the central business district area, as shown on the zoning map, are excepted from the front yard requirements for this district.

    e. Density restriction. Except as provided in Section III, the maximum gross density, defined as the floor area ratio (the ratio of building square feet to lot size), on any parcel of land or development zoned B-3 is not to exceed 1.0.

    Building sites located within a central business district area, as shown on the zoning map, will have a density restriction as defined by the floor area ratio of 5.0.

    4. B-I districts: Interstate interchange business districts.

    The interstate interchange business districts comprise land that is directly adjacent to an interstate highway access point and the local roadway that it intersects. The businesses located at these roads are intended to accommodate interstate travelers and local residents by providing retail sales and services in the automotive, food, lodging and convenience sales industries to those that utilize the interstate highway system. The district regulations are designed to encourage the development of the interchange areas in a manner that minimizes vehicular traffic conflicts and complements the existing character of the area. To protect the surrounding areas certain restrictions are placed on uses and building placement. Although new districts of this type will not often be called for, such districts can be created in accordance with the amendment procedure set forth herein, if they are needed. To ensure that such districts are actually developed to supply the business needs of the intended users, the amendment creating the district may impose a time limit for project development.

    a. Permitted uses. In the B-I districts only the following uses are permitted:

    (1) Uses by right. The uses listed below are permitted subject to the conditions specified:

    Accessory use

    Automobile filling station, where the primary function is the retail sale of gasoline, diesel, oil, grease, tires, batteries and accessories, and where services are limited to installation of items sold, washing, polishing, and greasing; fuel pumps need not be enclosed within a structure (may include grocery store, convenience store, retail)

    Bed and breakfast

    Grocery store, convenience store, retail

    Hotel, motel, and tourist courts

    Off-premise outdoor advertising

    On-premise advertisement

    Restaurant (liquor sales for consumption on premises permitted only as subordinate use to the principal use of food service)

    b. Building site area. Except as provided in Section III, the minimum building site area shall be ten thousand (10,000) square feet.

    c. Building height limit. Except as provided in Section III, no structure shall be designed, erected, or altered to exceed thirty-five (35) feet.

    d. Yard required. Except as provided in Section III, the minimum dimensions of yards shall be:

    Front yard .....30 ft.

    Side yard .....10 ft.

    Rear yard .....35 ft.

    e. Density restriction. Except as provided in Section III, the maximum gross density, defined as the floor area ratio (the ratio of building square feet to lot size), on any parcel of land or development zoned B-I is not to exceed 0.70.

(Ord. of 9-17-97)

(Ord. of 9-17-97)

(Ord. of 9-17-97)

(Ord. of 9-17-97)