Natchitoches Parish Police Jury |
Code of Ordinances |
Code Of Ordinances |
Chapter 2. Administration |
Article II. Personnel |
Division 2. Policies Generally |
§ 2-46. Sick leave
(a) Sick leave is defined as any period of time during which an employee may be excused from work without loss of pay due to:
(1) Personal illness, injury or any type of physical disability except injuries incurred on the job.
(2) Dental appointment.
(3) Employees may use sick leave for: death, serious illness, serious injury, etc. in their immediate family.
(b) Sick leave shall be earned as follows:
Length of Employment Earned Leave Zero (0) to two (2) months zero (0) Three (3) months Forty (40) hours One (1) year Fifty-six (56) hours (40 hours at three (3) months and fifty-six (56) hours at one (1) year equals ninety-six (96) hours) Two (2) years or more Ninety-six (96) hours (c) Sick leave earned shall be posted to employee records on the anniversary date of employment.
(d) Sick leave taken immediately preceding or following a holiday or weekend may require a physician's excuse.
(e) The maximum sick leave an employee may accumulate and carry forward on their anniversary date shall not exceed nine hundred sixty hours (960) hours.
(f) No payment shall be made to an employee for accumulated sick leave upon termination of employment.
(g) An employee may be absent from work for three (3) days due to illness sustained by the employee or a member of their immediate family without submitting a physician's statement. An employee absent from work in excess of three (3) days shall be required to provide a physician's excuse.
(h) An employee who takes sick leave shall file a request form immediately upon return to work. An employee fraudulently obtaining sick leave shall be subject to disciplinary action. For the first offense, suspension for one week without pay. The second offense shall be cause for termination of the employee.
(i) Complications associated with pregnancy are considered illnesses and, as such will be subject to the provisions of the sick leave policy.
(j) Employees must have a doctor's release prior to returning to work following a three-day absence due to hospitalization.
(k) Annual leave may be used for sick and leave purposes after sick leave is exhausted.
(l) If a police jury holiday occurs during an employee period of sick leave, that day will be considered a holiday rather than a day of sick leave.
(m) Absence for part of a day chargeable to sick leave shall be charged proportionally in an amount not less than fifteen (15) minute increments.
(Ord. of 3-20-74, § 3; Ord. No. 29, § 3, 12-15-83; Mo. of 3-16-05; Mo. of 2-18-04)