B. - Conditions To Be Met By Special Plans For Building Groups  

Latest version.

    1. District regulations.

    Every building group erected and maintained under the provisions of this section shall comply with all of the regulations established by this ordinance for the district in which the building group is located except the regulation requiring a separate building site to be provided and maintained for each principal structure; such building group may be considered as one (1) building for the purpose of complying with the building site area, height, yard and other regulations of the ordinance.

    2. Site plan and improvements.

    A special plan for a building group shall show and there shall be provided the following:

    a. Drainage. Adequate facilities for the drainage of surface water, including storm sewers, gutters, paving, and the proper design of finished grades;

    b. Circulation. Adequate facilities for the safe and convenient circulation of pedestrian and vehicular traffic, including walks, driveways, off-street parking areas, off-street loading areas, and landscaped separation spaces between pedestrian and vehicular ways;

    c. Play areas. In dwelling building groups, adequate and safely located play areas for small children;

    d. Protection of residence districts. In business building groups near or adjoining residence districts, adequate provision (including fences, walls, and planting) to screen and protect the residence districts from parking lot illumination, headlights, fumes, heat, noise, blowing papers and dust, and the visual encroachment of commercial buildings, service areas, signs, and commercial activity on the privacy and neighborhood character of the residence district.

    3. Building spacing and orientation.

    The following spacing between buildings shall be measured perpendicularly between exterior walls; it does not apply to corner-to-corner placement of buildings where walls do not overlap:

    a. Spacing of buildings. A building wall shall be located no closer to another building than a distance equal to the height of the taller building of the two; provided, further that for a building containing dwelling units such distance shall not be less than fifty (50) feet in the case of a wall having windows and not less than twenty-five (25) feet in the case of a wall having no windows;

    b. Orientation of buildings containing dwelling units. In buildings containing dwelling units, walls having main window exposures shall be so oriented as to ensure adequate light and air, to avoid exposure to highways and other high-volume trafficways, and to preserve visual and audible privacy between buildings;

    c. Access by emergency vehicles. The buildings in a planned building group shall be so arranged that every inhabited building is accessible by emergency vehicles.